To live is to weave
As a boy, I lived in the Stone Age – and in a way, I still do. I made flint axes and arrowheads, shot with bow and arrow, fished with homemade eel traps, twisted ropes from bark, and read a lot about ancient times.
As a teenager, I worked specifically with flint knapping at the newly established Historical Archaeological Research Center in Lejre and, through encounters with many visiting craftsmen and historical gatherings, expanded my horizons with many other craft skills such as woodworking, stone house work, primitive weaving, tanning, leatherwork, birch bark and roots, rope making, bone and horn work, and basket weaving. After a few years as an archaeology student and a science student, I continued my work in Lejre, and when it ended in the eighties, coinciding with a growing interest in old crafts in Denmark, it laid the foundation for what would become my future life: basket weaver – later basket maker. My historical interest permeates everything I work with. I have a deep fascination and admiration for the baskets that were woven in ancient times – or 'the old days,' and have now built a database with, I believe, all baskets found in archaeological excavations, depicted on sculptures, wall paintings, floor mosaics, drawings, paintings, illustrated medieval manuscripts, in museum collections, and the like from 8000 BC to 1960, as well as a collection of old baskets – over 600, the oldest from around 1840. I have written two books: "Weaving with Willow. For Beginners" and "Baskets with Corners," which has also been translated into English and is for advanced weavers. I have also written several articles about baskets. In addition to weaving like crazy – orders for private clients, museums, films, theater, and repair work
– I teach around the world and have trained four apprentices to journeymen. Additionally, I have held many exhibitions and lectures on 'The Cultural History of Baskets.'
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I weave both new and repair used items. There is probably not a willow weaving project I haven't tried yet.